You have a voice.
Use it!

29 artists have used theirs. Artist from every EU nation. Different artists united in beautiful harmony.

Now it is your turn. Get up. Do it. Vote.

And: get your friends, peers and family to do the same.

If you believe a peaceful, united, open, free, liberal Europe is better than
one separated by hate, you must get up and:

#vote4friendship in the EU elections 23rd-26th May

We are Alliance 4 Europe

We represent the people who believe in the power of friendship, the beauty of peace, the importance of dialogue, the strength of diversity.
People like you.
People like the ones in this video.

Watch it. Like it. Share it.

We are grateful for the help and cooperation of Brian May as well as these following amazing artists who made the #vote4friendship music video possible: The MakeMakers (Austria), Amaryllis Unterlinden (Belgium), Deep Zone Project (Bulgaria), Boris Štok (Croatia), Michalis Hatzigiannis (Cyprus), Marta Jandová (Czechia), Frederik Damhus (Denmark), Egert Milder (Estonia), Lxandra (Finland), Dalvin (France), Oceana (Germany), Melina Makri (Greece), Veronika Harcsa (Hungary), Craig Walker (Ireland), Nathalie (Italy), Miks Dukurs (Latvia), Vilija Matačiūnaitė (Lithuania), Kev Hyne (Luxembourg), Danica Muscat (Malta), Okke Punt (Netherlands), Marcin Sójka (Poland), Virgul (Portugal), Eneli (Romania), Rakovicky (Slovakia), Omar Naber (Slovenia), Alice Wonder (Spain), Normandie (Sweden), Martin Stenmarck (Sweden), Charlie Grant (United Kingdom), and the producer Peter Keller.

Share It!

Share the videos.
Share our content.
Share your call to #vote4friendship

Get the song!

The brand new version of
“Friends will be friends”
by A4E is available on:

Do It!

Make your own video about the importance
to #vote4friendship. With the amazingly
easy to use CREACE APP.

Call to Action!

“Bad politicians are elected by good people who do not vote.” 
In the last EU election over 50% of the good people didn’t vote.

In the upcoming EU elections we must change that. Nationalism and extremism are on the rise. Radicals are mobilizing their dark troops.

Let’s stand together and mobilize the forces of good to #vote4friendship

We are not recommending a particular party – you are free and smart people. We are simply reminding you of the importance to get up and #vote4friendship


European Parliament Election 2019 Results

You are not sure who to vote for?

Going out and voting is as easy as dating online – but the „match“ lasts at least one legislative period.

Use Vote Swiper

Download creAce for free, go to "Enter Code" and type in "V4F"

The app will guide you with super simple directions and automatically produce a perfect video!

Use creAce

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Speak up and use our # to encourage your loved ones to vote.

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Password: „A4E“